Vortrag und Masterclass für Pianisten
Eitan Globerson is Professor of Piano and Conducting at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, and musical director of the Jerusalem Academy Symphony Orchestra. Performed as soloist and conductor with all major orhestras in Israel, including the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Played recitals and chamber music concerts in Israel, Europe, the USA and the Far East. Served as Conductor-In-Residence at the New Israeli Opera, where he conducted a variety of operas, and as assistant to the Music Director at Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Was invited as for guest lectures and masterclasses in many music schools around the globe, including Beijing Central Conservatory , Liszt Academy in Budapest, Stony Brook University, McGill University in Montreal, Yale University School of Music, as well as many other institutes. During the current Academic year, serves as Guest Professor at the Yale University School of Music. Many of his students have been prize winners in national and international competitions, performing in concerts in Israel and abroad with renowned orchestras. In addition to his musical activities, Eitan Globerson is also active in scientific research. He holds a Ph.D. in Brain Sciences. He is currently affiliated with the Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) laboratory at the Gonda Brain Research Center and the Bird Song Laboratory at the New York City University. His papers on scientific topics have been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is frequently invited as a guest lecturer to scientific conferences around the world.
Vortrag: FR, 15.1.16 | 14.15 - 15.45 Uhr | R 117
»Bimanual coordination in piano playing: from theory to practice« or:
»Playing piano with both hands: how complicated can it be??«
(»Beidhändige Koordination beim Klavierspielen: von der Theorie in die Praxis - wie kompliziert kann es sein?«) Der Vortrag (in englischer Sprache) handelt über Hirn-Phänomene und deren Relevanz für das Studieren und Üben am Klavier.
Masterclass: SA, 16.1.16 | 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr | R 156 Anmeldung: mishory@t-online.de
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