
Ex Officio Members of the Senate

  • Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hans Aerts
  • Rector Prof. Dr. Ludwig Holtmeier as Chairman
  • Vice-Rector Prof. Christoph Sischka
  • Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn
  • Chancellor Dr. Dominik Skala
  • Equal Opportunity Officer Prof. Regina Kabis-Elsner

Elected Members of the Senat

  • Johannes Arzt, for students
  • Max Bergsträsser, for students
  • Laura Bollack, for academic staff
  • Prof. Dr. Thade Buchborn, for professors
  • Prof. Muriel Cantoreggi, for professors
  • Prof. David Franke, for professors
  • Prof. Konrad Georgi, for professors
  • Juliane Gotthardt, for students
  • Prof. Michael Hampel, for professors
  • Prof. Kilian Herold, for professors
  • Prof. Dr. Anna Immerz, for professors
  • Susann Junker, for non-academic staff
  • Katharina Kegler, for academic staff
  • Prof. Katharina Kutsch, for professors
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lessing, for professors
  • N.N., for doctoral candidates
  • Prof. Reginaldo Pinheiro, for professors
  • Julia Rempe, for academic staff
  • Prof. Scott Sandmeier, for professors
  • Prof. Camille Savage-Kroll, for professors
  • Ramon Schneeweiß, for non-academic staff
  • Prof. Johannes Schöllhorn, for professors
  • Prof. Julia Schröder, for professors
  • Prof. Alexander Schulin, for professors
  • Prof. Stefan Temmingh, for professors
  • Prof. Philipp Teriete, for professors
  • Michaela Wehrle, for non-academic staff
  • Johanna Zander, for students

Honorary Senators

  • Dr. Dieter Russmann

Senate Committees

The Senate of the University has established the following standing Senate Committees:

1. Structure and Development Committee

The committee prepares decisions on structural and developmental planning of the university. It advises the senate and the rectorate in all matters concerning the promotion and development of the artistic, pedagogical and scientific profile of the University.

Ex Officio Members

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Holtmeier, chairperson (Rector)
Prof. Christoph Sischka (Prorector)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn (Prorector)
Prof. Dr. Hans Aerts (Prorector)
Dr. Dominik Skala (Chancellor)
Prof. Regina Kabis-Elsner (Equal Opportunities Officer)

Elected Members

Prof. Dr. Thade Buchborn (for professors)
Prof. Kilian Herold (for professors)
Prof. Katharina Kutsch (for professors)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lessing (for professors)
Laura Bollack (for academic staff)
Julia Rempe (for academic staff)
Klara Simon (for students)
Lena Widdermann (for students)
Michaela Wehrle (for non-academic staff)

2. Committee for Equal Opportunity Issues

The original task of the committee is to accompany the implementation of equal opportunity measures at Freiburg University of Music in an advisory manner.

Ex Officio Members

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Holtmeier, chairperson (Rector) respectively in representation Prof. Christoph Sischka or Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudia Spahn (Prorector)
Prof. Regina Kabis-Elsner (Equal Opportunities Officer)
Prof. Mareike Morr or Prof. Dr. Nathalie Meidhof (Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer)

Elected Members

Prof. Muriel Cantoreggi (for professors)
Prof. Stefan Temmingh (for professors)
Laura Bollack (for academic staff)
Klara Simon (for students)
Lena Widdermann (for students)
Lisa Broghammer (for non-academic staff)