[Translate to Englisch:] Prof. Dr. Clemens Wöllner

[Translate to Englisch:] Clemens Wöllner, Professor für Musikwissenschaft

Research ares

  • Music performance research: music and gesture, attention and memory, conducting, expressiveness, synchronisation
  • Experimental aesthetics: time experiences, multimodal perception, musical form, breakdance and video-clips
  • Psychology of learning and teaching: expertise research, slow and mental practice, implicit learning and teaching

Curriculum vitae

since 2022 Professor of Systematic Musicology, Freiburg University of Music

2013–2022 Professor of Systematic Musicology, University of Hamburg; 2017-2022 Principal Investigator in the EU project "Slow motion: Transformations of Musical Time in Perception and Performance" (SloMo, ERC Consolidator Grant 725319); 2018 Visiting Researcher at the University of California San Diego

2010-2013 Interim Professor at the University of Bremen

2008-2010 Research Fellow, Centre of Excellence, Royal Northern College of Music Manchester

2007-2008 Lecturer, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

2007 Doctor of philosophy (Dr. phil.), MLU Halle-Wittenberg; Scholarships: Evangelisches Studienwerk, German National Academic Foundation, Royal College of Music London

2003 Master of Arts in Psychology of Music, University of Sheffield; study of musicology, social psychology, and music education at the University of Music, Theatre and Media Hannover and the University of Hannover

Professional activities and awards (selection)

since 2018 board member, since 2022 President of the  German Society for Music Psychology

Editorial Boards: Musicae Scientiae, Psychology of Music, Music Performance Research; Ad-hoc reviewer of numerous journals in musicology, psychology, movement science, and music education

since 2023 elected member of Academiae Europae

2006 Young Researcher Award of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music


bibliography on Google Scholar

bibliography on ORCID

Recent publications (selection)

Wöllner, C. (2024, in press). Music in the air and in the body: an interoceptive system’s perspective on musical emotions, awareness and time. In M. Wittmann, I. Strigo & A. Simmons (Eds.), The bodily self, emotion, and subjective time (Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience). Springer Nature.

Kuch, M., & Wöllner, C. (2024). How music can change evaluations of social situations: Exploring the influence of emotional states and perceived group characteristics. Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie, 32, Advance Online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5964/jbdgm.187

Wang, X., Burger, B., & Wöllner, C. (2024). Tapping to drumbeats in an online experiment changes our perception of time and expressiveness. Psychological Research, 88, 127–140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-023-01835-7

McDonald, G. & Wöllner, C. (2023). The contrast principle, typicality, and cultural longevity in 19th-century symphony slow movements: A corpus analysis. Music & Science, 6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/20592043231182275

Allingham, E. & Wöllner, C. (2023). Putting practice under the microscope: The perceived uses and limitations of slow instrumental music practice. Psychology of Music, 51(3), 906-923. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356221129650

Wöllner, C. & London, J. (eds.) (2023). Performing time. Synchrony and temporal flow in music and dance. Oxford University Press.