Treatment and prevention of music performance anxiety

Claudia Spahn:
Treatment and prevention of music performance anxiety

erschienen in:
Progress in Brain Research
Volume 217, Pages 2-277 (2015)
Music, Neurology, and Neuroscience: Evolution, the Musical Brain, Medical Conditions, and Therapies
Edited by Eckart Altenmüller, Stanley Finger and François Boller
ISBN: 978-0-444-63551-8 

Abstract (Verlagstext):
"Music performance anxiety (MPA) regularly occurs when musicians present themselves before an audience in performance situations, and thus, it plays an important role in the careers of professional musicians. MPA is expressed on the emotional and physical level, as well as on the levels of thinking and behavior, and extends along a continuum of varying severity. Its performance-impairing, afflicting form is considered to be a specific type of social phobia, which requires therapy. There are different psychological theories, which contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of MPA and provide basic principles for the various treatment approaches. Current “best practice,” in our clinical experience, is a personal- and problem-oriented approach within a multimodal therapy model, including the range of psychoanalytic and cognitive behavioral therapies, body-oriented methods, and mental techniques.
In order to avoid severe MPA, prevention in the field of music pedagogic is very important. Thus, the concepts of dealing positively with MPA should be implemented very early into the instrumental and vocal education of musicians."